4 Things You Need to Know About Getting a Better-Looking Area Under Your Derrière

It’s an unfortunate truth of aging: skin cell turnover and collagen production slows down as we get older. According to dermatologist Stacy Chimento, MD, that applies to not just our faces, but to the skin all over our body, too — including the area below the butt. Eventually, it can result in unwanted pockets of fat.

To add insult to injury, aging can also result in more cellulite. Chimento explains that cellulite occurs when the underlying fat protrudes through the layers under the skin to create a dimpling or puckering effect. Though it bothers some people, know it’s highly normal and happens to a high percentage of the population (learn more about cellulite here).

If you’re frustrated by the look of the area below your derriere and the area around it, know that you can always improve its appearance. We did some of the busy work for you and sought out experts, who shared how to improve the look of this area. Keep reading for tips you can incorporate into your own routine.

Focus on sticking to a healthy diet that supports a solid exercise routine.

There isn’t a magical fruit, vegetable, or any food that specifically targets weight loss in your lower body (and that includes any detox teas or shakes!). Knowing that, you should focus on a clean, nutritious diet that complements your fitness routine. After all, you’ll want to give your body plenty of energy to power through your workouts.

As you start meal planning, seek out complex carbohydrates like whole-grain cereals, proteins such as chicken or fish, and dark, leafy greens. Carbs can help endurance, protein promotes recovery, and those greens deliver tons of nutrients and vitamins to growing muscles. And of course, drinking plenty of fluids to stay hydrated is key. Furthermore, studies show that increasing your fruit, vegetable, and low-fat dairy intake can contribute to weight loss overall — so take that into consideration the next time you’re at the supermarket.

That said, don’t feel too bad if you succumb to the temptation of a box of Oreos. With any lifestyle change, moderation — and that includes the occasional cookie — will ensure long-term success.

iStock / bymuratdeniz

Does not imply person featured in photograph had the VelaShape or CoolSculpting treatment.

Activate the glutes.

Instead of working your thigh and butt area extra hard, you may want to try low-impact sets to get better results. “Typically, when you think of working the legs, you automatically think of going after exercises like squats and lunges in addition to running and plyometric workouts,” says P.volve® founder Stephen Pasterino. (P.volve is a favorite among Victoria’s Secret® models.) “But what I’ve found in my many years of training is that when you only do these kinds of workouts, you’re not only gradually building up inflammation in the leg muscles, but you’re also limiting so much of what the legs can actually do by restricting them into very limited, basic motions.”

Instead, Pasterino prefers low-impact exercises that both force muscles to work harder and make joints more flexible and mobile. “Put your body through three planes of motion — frontal, sagittal, and transverse — which are essential to getting the thighs to lean out and take on a natural shape without the bulking,” explains Pasterino. He notes that if the glutes aren’t functioning properly, the body will rely too heavily on the thighs, which could result in swollen, overdeveloped thigh muscles. He suggests working out the glutes four to five times a week for best results (you can stream some of his favorite glute exercises here).

Stocksy United / Javier Pardina

Does not imply person featured in photograph had the VelaShape or CoolSculpting treatment.

Topical treatments may help.

Some lotions, creams, and other formulas claim to smooth away cellulite for good. While nothing can permanently make any bumpy texture look smooth, slicking on certain ingredients can temporarily help the appearance. Chimento recommends seeking out topical products with ingredients such as caffeine, retinol, and antioxidants, which could improve the tone and texture of the area. Two of her favorite formulas include the Clarins® Body Fit Anti-Cellulite Contouring Expert ($70), which is loaded with caffeine, and the ceramide-rich, skin-smoothing CeraVe® Moisturizing Cream ($14), which she suggests applying before going to bed. That way, you can wake up to firmer-looking skin.

[Editor’s note: Retinol shouldn’t be used by those who are pregnant, considering getting pregnant, or nursing. Please consult with your doctor before use.]

Smooth things over.

You can also turn to non-invasive treatments that contour the body, like VelaShape® III and CoolSculpting®.

VelaShape III  combines vacuum technology, infrared light, and bipolar radiofrequency energies to gently heat fat cells and promote collagen production to tone and improve the texture of skin. There is little to no downtime and you can continue with regular activities after your appointment. However, it’s important to remember that VelaShape is not a permanent fat and cellulite reduction solution, so Chimento recommends getting follow-up treatments to maintain results. Click here for more information on VelaShape III.  

Or instead of heat you can go with cold to freeze off fat cells in the areas under your butt (also known as your banana roll) with CoolSculpting. Houston-based plastic surgeon Dr. Paul Vitenas explains that the science behind it works the same on different parts of the body; it’s all cryolipolysis. The procedure will freeze the unwanted fat cells in the treated area to the point of death, and then your body will eliminate them. There is typically little to no downtime after a fat freezing appointment. Your number of sessions will vary based on your individual needs, so consult with a CoolSculpting practitioner to see what is best for you. (Looking for a trained CoolSculpting provider? Chat with our trained aesthetic specialists now to find someone in your area.

[Editor’s note: The CoolSculpting treatment is a non-invasive fat freezing treatment that effectively reduces fat in certain self-proclaimed “problem spots” in the submental and submandibular areas, thigh, abdomen, flank, and upper arm, along with bra fat, back fat, and underneath the buttocks (you know, those bulges that just won’t go away, regardless of how much you sweat it out on the treadmill). While it isn’t a weight loss solution, fat freezing can reduce pouches of fat. As with any procedure, there are risks and side effects, so talk to your licensed provider to see if it’s right for you.]

CoolSculpting is not a weight loss solution. Thus, both Chimento and Vitenas encourage a balanced diet and regular exercise for weight loss. to make sure those results last longer. So if you want to improve the way the area under your butt looks, give your butt a boost, there are no shortcuts — you’ve got to put the work behind it. But thankfully, you now have all the tools you need for a better-looking area under your derrière . . . it’s just up to you to use them.

Product prices may vary from the time this article was written.

Allergan® may receive commission for purchases made through links in this article.

CoolSculpting® is an Allergan®-owned non-invasive fat reduction treatment.

CoolSculpting® Treatment Important Information


The CoolSculpting® procedure is FDA-cleared for the treatment of visible fat bulges in the submental (under the chin) and submandibular (under the jawline) areas, thigh, abdomen and flank, along with bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks (also known as banana roll) and upper arm. It is also FDA-cleared to affect the appearance of lax tissue with submental area treatments. The CoolSculpting procedure is not a treatment for weight loss.

Important Safety Information

The CoolSculpting procedure is not for everyone. You should not have the CoolSculpting procedure if you suffer from cryoglobulinemia, cold agglutinin disease, or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. 

Tell your licensed healthcare provider if you have any medical conditions including recent surgery, pre-existing hernia, and any known sensitivities or allergies.

During the procedure you may experience sensations of pulling, tugging, mild pinching, intense cold, tingling, stinging, aching, and cramping at the treatment site. These sensations subside as the area becomes numb. Following the procedure, typical side effects include temporary redness, swelling, blanching, bruising, firmness, tingling, stinging, tenderness, cramping, aching, itching, or skin sensitivity, and sensation of fullness in the back of the throat after submental or submandibular area treatment. 

Rare side effects may also occur. CoolSculpting may cause a visible enlargement in the treated area which may develop two to five months after treatment and requires surgical intervention for correction.

Ask your licensed healthcare provider if CoolSculpting is right for you. To learn more about what to expect, visit the CoolSculpting website and comprehensive Important Safety Information.